Therapy for Anxiety
in young adults.

In-person in Santa Barbara or online anywhere in CA
In-person in Santa Barbara or online anywhere in CA
Relationship Problems
Social anxiety
Friendship struggles
Loneliness + isolation
Rebuilding after betrayal
Communication issues
College + Early Career Stress
Imposter syndrome
Career path decision-making
Unfulfilled at work
Layoffs + unemployment
Workplace anxieties
Academic pressures
Challenges with Life Transitions
Loss + grief
Caring for aging parents
Family planning
Pregnancy loss
Fertility difficulties
Parenting young children
Other Struggles You May Be Navigating
Generalized anxiety
Panic attacks
Specific phobias
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Body image + eating disorders
Life’s challenges don’t have to define you. By creating space to explore your inner world, you can uncover a sense of calm and strength that’s already within you. Together, we’ll navigate the uncertainty, helping you approach life with greater clarity, ease, and purpose.
You can feel calm, content, connected to those around you, and excited about life again.
You can make decisions more easily and feel confident.
You can discover that nothing is actually missing or lacking.
You can feel more carefree and joyful.
Peace is possible for you.

You're exhausted and overwhelmed.
You feel uneasy and perpetually dissatisfied.
Your mind is constantly spinning about events that may happen in the future or you're rehashing the past.
Your body feels constricted all the time. Your chest feels tight, your jaw is tense, or your shoulders and neck are always in pain.
You find yourself impatient and angry with the people you love the most.
You have persistent thoughts that bully you, tell you you're not good enough, and you can't get relief from this mental chatter.
Are you fed up with suffering?

Start the therapy process here:
Click the Contact Me button below to schedule a complimentary 15-minute initial phone consultation to determine if we might be a good fit to work together. You can also email me at dara@drgoldyne.com, or call (805) 699-6382.

Waiting room of psychotherapy practice
Dr. Goldyne's office